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Yale Brothers Podcast

Sep 23, 2020

Roger's son's wedding is coming up fast. The twins talk about that and Wes' bachelor getaway and bonding time - a weekend trip to an outdoor shooting range followed by an airsoft battle the next day - and Roger's "war wounds."

Also: An alternate version of Chris' song, "I See September," memories of our first trip to...

Sep 9, 2020

A conversation with our friend Mark Ross Mulkeen, covering a 40-year friendship: Early days at Los Angeles City College (1980-1982), his friendship with Peggy Lee, that time Peggy and Tony Bennett greeted Chris at Peggy's front door - and so much more, including Chris' song for Rogue Alley, "I See September."


Sep 1, 2020

The clones cover lots of ground, from vaping and harm reduction to learning from YouTube videos - from their early days in Miami to the "homogenization" of our cities and more - plus an original song called "Famous Last Words."


0:00 - Vaping in Chris' studio.

0:30 - Vaping and harm reduction. / U.K. versus...