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Yale Brothers Podcast

Sep 9, 2020

A conversation with our friend Mark Ross Mulkeen, covering a 40-year friendship: Early days at Los Angeles City College (1980-1982), his friendship with Peggy Lee, that time Peggy and Tony Bennett greeted Chris at Peggy's front door - and so much more, including Chris' song for Rogue Alley, "I See September."


Peggy Lee

0:00 - "I See September" - Chris Yale

4:25 - Mark Ross Mulkeen - Friends for 40 years this month.

5:03 - Roger was the "ugly chick" in yellow at LACC.

5:35 - More about LACC days. 

7:00 - Blimpie and the arcade on Vermont Avenue.

8:10 - Daniel Murphy High School

11:18 - More LACC Memories.

13:33 - Getting trashed at The Old Spaghetti Factory.

15;45 - Crestline, Ca.

19:30 - COVID-19 and the rise of virtual firms.

21:20 - Rents in LA/San Francisco/New York City

22:35 - Cedarhurst and Hillside Terrace

25:14 - Mark's friendship with Peggy Lee.

31:37 - That time Peggy Lee and Tony Bennett answered the door when Chris went to Peggy's house.

33:03 - Gaga versus Madonna

35:45 - Mark and Roger's crush on Tatum O'Neal

37:16 - Richard Deacon, Rock Hudson at The Rose Tattoo

38:32 - Rock Hudson at The Magic Hotel

39:30 - Face the Music game show.

41:09 - Trashed at Fisherman's Wharf and the trip to Walnut Creek - after 'shrooming the night before.

43:31 - Does there really need to be a Build-A-Bear Workshop on Hollywood Boulevard?